NBSN95 Waterproof Long Range Wireless NB-IoT Sensor Node
Protegemos os seus dados com medidas de segurança rigorosas para evitar acessos não autorizados.
Envios em 2 a 7 dias úteis dependendo do transportador selecionado durante a compra do produto.
Você pode devolver sua compra no prazo de 14 dias se o produto e a embalagem estiverem em perfeitas
NBSN95 is a Long Range NB-IoT Sensor Node. It is designed for outdoor data logging and powered by 8500mAh Li/SOCl2 battery for long term use and secure data transmission. System Integrator can use NBSN95 to rapidly deploy NB-IoT sensor node for their IoT solution.NBSN95 is easy to program, create and connect things everywhere.
NarrowBand-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a standards-based low power wide area (LPWA) technology developed to enable a wide range of new IoT devices and services. NB-IoT significantly improves the power consumption of user devices, system capacity and spectrum efficiency, especially in deep coverage.
To use NBSN95, user needs to check if there is NB-IoT coverage in local area and with the bands NBSN95 supports. If the local operate support it, user needs to get a NB-IoT SIM card from local operator and install NBSN95 to get NB-IoT network connection.
NBSN95 is an open source project. It is based on the STM32L072CZT6 ultra-low-power ARM® Cortex®-M0+ micro controller. Developers can get completely software and hardware design files and adapter for their projects.
NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28 @H-FDD
Pre-load bootloader on USART1/USART2
MDK-ARM Version 5.24a IDE
3x12bit ADC, 1x12bit DAC
20xDigital I/O
Open source hardware / software
IP66 Waterproof Enclosure
Ultra Low Power consumption
AT Commands to change parameters
Micro SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM
8.5 Ah Battery for long term use
Wireless Alarm and Security Systems
Home and Building Automation
Automated Meter Reading
Industrial Monitoring and Control
Long range Irrigation Systems,etc.
NB-IoT Spec:
Module: Quectel BC95-G
Support BandsProtocol: CoAP, UDP, MQTT
- B1 @H-FDD: 2100MHz
- B3 @H-FDD: 1800MHz
- B8 @H-FDD: 900MHz
- B5 @H-FDD: 850MHz
- B20 @H-FDD: 800MHz
- B28 @H-FDD: 700MHz
MCU Spec:
Clock Speed: 32Mhz
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
VCC: 0.5v ~ 3.9v
Operating Tempature: -40 ~ 85°C
I/O pins: 0.5v ~ VCC+0.5V
Common DC Characteristics:
Supply Voltage: 1.8v ~ 3.6v
Operating Tempature: -40 ~ 85°C
I/O pins: Refer STM32L072CZT6 datasheet
Power Consumption:
STOP Mode: 10 μA @ 3.3v
See Power Analyze Document for more.
Li/SOCI2 unchargable battery
Capacity: 8500mAh
Self Discharge: <1% / Year @ 25°C
Max continuously current: 500mA
Max boost current: 2A, 1 second